AMRO Pamplona (Pamplona)

The Amro Pamplona University Residence was inaugurated in June 2023. It consists of a Ground Floor + 5 floors of rooms, two underground parking levels, and spacious common areas on the Ground Floor, including a reception, dining area, game room, lounge, co-working space, gym, laundry, study and meeting rooms, as well as an outdoor terrace.

It offers comfortable rooms, mainly single, featuring a large window facing the exterior, a 1.2m bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a private bathroom to ensure a pleasant stay.

*15 places are available year-round, depending on the hostel’s availability. During the summer season, we expand the number of available places to include the entire accommodation.

Geolocation longitude :


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Address line :

Travesía de Extremadura 2, 31006 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain