Antwerp Central Hostel – Pulcinella

Antwerp Central Youth Hostel is situated in the heart of the city centre. Known locally as “Pulcinella”, it is an ideal base for exploring the historical city with its many ancient buildings, large collection of pubs and, as you might expect from the ‘fashion capital’ of Belgium, designer shops and boutiques. At the hostel, all rooms come with ensuite facilities, there’s a free buffet-style breakfast, free Wi-Fi, Internet kiosks and the hostel bar is the perfect starting point for exploring the town’s night life. With more than 30,000 students in town, there’s always something to do. You can visit the photography, modern and fine art and fashion museums, take a stroll along the harbour, visit the zoo, the opera or one of the several theatres.

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Bogaardeplein 1, Antwerp, 2000, Belgium