Danhostel Skjern

Experience a great stay at Danhostel Skjern in one of our lovely cabins!

It is possible to choose between one of the smaller, 2 person cabins, or a larger 4-6 people cabin.

Danhostel Skjern is located near the lovely city of Skjern ร… with the Ringkรธbing Fjord close by.

There is a great choice of sporting activities to try out right on your doorstep as we are part of the Ringkรธbing-Skjern Cultural Centre. Here you can enjoy all that the fitness centre has to offer, go bowling or even play indoor golf and beach volleyball!  There is a cafรจ to tempt your tastebuds and lots more! With so much on offer to ensure you a great stay, we hope to see you soon at Danhostel Skjern!

Geolocation longitude :


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Address line :

Ranunkelvej 1, 6900 Skjern, Denmark