
Hostel Chapada
Hostel Chapada

Make yourself at home with travelers from around the world at this budget hostel housed in a historic building from the 1870s, centrally located and open 24/7, all year round. Chapada Diamantina-Lençóis hostel offers private...

Rua Boa Vista 121, Chapada Diamantina-Lençóis, Bahia, BA, 46960-000, Brazil
Laranjeiras Hostel
Laranjeiras Hostel

Book your stay at the Laranjeiras Hostel Hostel located in Salvador, Brazil. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Laranjeiras Hostel hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates of...

Rua da Ordem Terceira, 13, Pelourinho, Salvador, 40025-100, Brazil
Manaíra Hostel
Manaíra Hostel

Book your stay at the Manaíra Hostel Hostel located in João Pessoa, Brazil. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Manaíra Hostel hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates...

Rua Major Ciraulo 380, João Pessoa, 58038-290, Brazil
Maragogi Social
Maragogi Social

Maragogi Social Hostel is an excellent accommodation option in Maragogi, located close to popular attractions, such as Maragogi Beach, bars and restaurants. We offer full support with our tourist information center. We are the first...

Av. Senador Rui Palmeira, 569 - centro, Maragogi, 57955-000, Brazil
Rosa Surf Hostel
Rosa Surf Hostel

Book your stay at the Rosa Surf Hostel Hostel located in Praia do Rosa- Imbituba, Brazil. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Rosa Surf Hostel hostel as well prices and latest...

RUA 41248, S/N, Praia do Rosa- Imbituba, Santa Catarina, SCBrazil