
Labrang Redrock International Youth Hostel
Labrang Redrock International Youth Hostel

Labrang Red Rock International Youth Hostel is located in the big valley of Xia He country. The big Xiahe River flows in front of the entrance gate. Across the river lie forest covered mountains. The...

253 numbers of elegant pigeon of Gansu Province Gan Nan Tibetan Nationality Autonomous County Xia He County pond747100, China
Laivahostel S/S Bore
Laivahostel S/S Bore

Laivahostel S/S Bore is a unique hostel located aboard a museum ship, offering a nostalgic atmosphere reminiscent of 1960s Swedish cruises. Originally built as a steamship, the “Nolla-Bore” is now permanently anchored on the Aura...

Linnankatu 72, Turku, 20100, Finland
Lakeview Resort International YH
Lakeview Resort International YH

Start from the construction of Lakeview to the finish of the project are all personally supervised by the owner himself, personalized design are all attentively and tactfully handled by the owner. As you walked into...

32 Dehua St, Nantou, 555, Chinese Taipei

Book your stay at the Landshut Hostel located in Landshut, Germany. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Landshut hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates of sustainable travel...

Richard-Schirrmann-Weg 6, 84028 Landshut, (Bavaria), LandshutGermany

Book your stay at the Langeoog Hostel located in Langeoog, Germany. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Langeoog hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates of sustainable travel...

Domäne Melkhörn, 26465, Langeoog, Germany
Langshan International Youth Hostel
Langshan International Youth Hostel

Located at the most lively place in the scenic spot. The entire first floor is lounge for you to relax, with a book bar and coffee shop, with elegant decoration and a quiet atmosphere. We...

North Gate, The New County of Langshang Scenic Area, Xinning Town, Hunan, 43China
Laoag City – Java Hotel
Laoag City – Java Hotel

Java Hotel is situated at one of the most serene areas of Laoag City, Ilocos Norte. It is famous for its unique Balinese Moroccan atmosphere, exquisite Spanish design and warm Ilocano touch. Java Hotel offers...

55-B- Salet Gen. Segundo Ave, LaoagPhilippines
Laranjeiras Hostel
Laranjeiras Hostel

Book your stay at the Laranjeiras Hostel Hostel located in Salvador, Brazil. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Laranjeiras Hostel hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates of...

Rua da Ordem Terceira, 13, Pelourinho, Salvador, 40025-100, Brazil

Larochette, often known as ‘Fels,’ derives its name from the towering rock upon which the castle was constructed. Even today, the castle ruins command a view over the White Ernz Valley. Larochette’s charm extends beyond...

45 Osterbour, Larochette, 7622, Luxembourg