Say HI for Peace Sept 21

Join us and make a difference this Peace Day by taking a Say HI for Peace Pledge.

Take a moment to think about the ways you already contribute to peace. It could be as simple as being the first to reach out and make new friends, learning about different cultures and injustices, or promoting positive initiatives in your community. Whatever it is, let’s turn it into a personal peace pledge/promise. We even have some examples below 😉

Help us inspire the world and share your peace pledge!

Tag us @hihostels and use #sayhiforpeace.

Our Peace Pledge

At HI hostels we pledge to

Support diversity, inclusivity, learning and understanding through our online platforms, providing a safe space for all to share their traditions, stories, and experiences.

Promote responsible, regenerative, and mindful travel.

Inspire our global community of travelers to think about their impact and to become ambassadors of peace.

Ensure our hostels are safe and inclusive to all.

Need some Help?

Here are some of our favourite ways to build peace

  • Connect with others, be the first to reach out, and create and maintain friendships and/or partnerships.
  • Get curious, and educate yourself about other cultures, past and present inequalities and injustices, and topics such as equality and wellbeing.
  • Seek a different point of view and aim to deeply understand it.
  • Promote a friend, colleague, other association, or business within your community.
  • Support peace initiatives such as Say HI for Peace 😉 or other local groups or projects.
  • Embrace mindfulness and work towards your own inner peace.

And some examples of peace pledges that you can use or make your own!

I pledge to respect the local customs, traditions, and beliefs of the communities I visit.

I pledge to be mindful of my impact on the environment and to take steps to minimize my carbon footprint.

I pledge to engage in responsible tourism practices that benefit local communities and support sustainable development.

I pledge to promote peace and understanding by learning about the history and culture of the places I visit and by engaging in respectful dialogue with locals.

I pledge to act with compassion and empathy towards others, regardless of their race, religion, or nationality.

I pledge to refrain from engaging in any activities that exploit animals, people, or the environment.

I pledge to promote equality and social justice by supporting local businesses and initiatives that empower marginalized communities.

I pledge to act as an ambassador of goodwill and to use my travels as an opportunity to foster greater understanding and empathy among people of different cultures and backgrounds.

I pledge to keep an open mind and challenge my preconceptions.


Would you like to support our work towards creating a sustainable future?

All donations go towards supporting our sustainable mission and programmes.