Auberge de Jeunesse HI Metz – Plage

On the banks of La Moselle, the Metz-Plage youth hostel offers a warm welcome and is located in a quiet and touristic area of the old town. In addition to unforgettable encounters with other travellers, you will discover a city steeped in history. From Saint-Etienne cathedral, the museums of the Cour d’Or, the Place d’Armes, to the imperial district around the station.

All the monuments of the city centre deserve to be visited and, if you are looking for some nature, HI Metz-Plage is happy to lend you its bikes so that you can enjoy a ride in the park or along the quays.

Geolocation longitude :


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Address line :

1 AllΓ©e de Metz Plage, 57000, Metz, France