
Open doors and off we go! The youth hostel Mönchengladbach is located amidst the recreation area Hardter Wald, a roughly 450 hectare big mixed forest which is a part of the nature park Schwalm-Nette. Here you can explore the nature on your own account what especially children are enjoying. Keep your eyes and ears open and maybe you will discover one or another forest dweller. Up for a hike? The parking place at the youth hostel is the starting point for many round trips. An asphalted circular track leads you once through the forest past various nature monuments and Celtic barrows from the Bronze Age. Whoever likes it more to be on the road with a bicycle, the nature park Schwalm-Nette has varied routes available which are leading along lakes and rivers, through forests and meadow landscapes. In the surrounding of the youth hostel in- and outdoor pools, a zoological garden, castles, parks and a reccy are offering a colourful mixture against boredom.

Lived environment protection- the youth hostel Mönchengladbach-Hardter Wald

The affectionate arranged youth hostel is still from the thirties and therefore already real classics. Despite the cosy house the guests are fastly pulled outside: on the huge outdoor area and in the forest you can experience nature at close range and undergo some adventures. As a certified organic environment/youth hostel our team places great importance on resource conservation, healthy diet with regional inclusion and an environmental- and leisure pedagogical programme offer. In the form of games, excursions and practical researches we will bring the topic environment protection nearer to you.

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Address line :

Brahmsstr. 156, 41169 Mönchengladbach, Germany