

On the outskirts of this UNESCO world heritage town and on the edge of Hildesheim Forest with views of the town and the Harz Mountains., Discover this old city and its numerous treasures: UNESCO heritage...

Schirrmannweg 4, Hildesheim, 31139, Germany

Book your stay at the Hinterstoder Hostel located in Oberösterreich, Austria. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Hinterstoder hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates of sustainable travel...

Hinterstoder 33, Oberösterreich, 4573, Austria

Hitzacker on the confluence of the rivers Jeetzel and Elbe boasts beautiful half-timbered houses in cobbled streets, a well preserved historic centre and a vineyard on a hill with great views of the river Elbe,...

Wolfsschlucht 2, An der Elbuferstrasse, Hitzacker, 29456, Germany

Book your stay at the Hochspeyer Hostel located in Hochspeyer, Germany. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Hochspeyer hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates of sustainable travel...

Trippstadter Straße 150, 67691, Hochspeyer, Germany

Book your stay at the Hof Hostel located in Hof, Germany. Click on Book Now to find more information on the Hof hostel as well prices and latest availability. We’re passionate advocates of sustainable travel...

Beethovenstr. 44, 95032 Hof, Bavaria, Germany
Hofn HI Hostel
Hofn HI Hostel

With the North Atlantic on one side and Europe‘s largest glacier on the other, Höfn is a paradise for photographers and those simply wanting to explore. The laid-back fishing town may be small but has...

Hvannabraut 3, 780 Höfn, Iceland